Understanding Integrative Medicine

When it comes to treating your body, there are many approaches that different doctors might try. Many tend to focus on the symptoms instead of the body as a whole and you might continue to struggle with relieving your pain. Integrative medicine focuses on you as a whole person and not just the illness that you might be dealing with. This helps your doctor focus on underlying conditions instead of just temporarily treating your symptoms. Dr. Monique Rodriguez, Dr. Christopher Petrie, and Dr. Julia Benitez-Estevenz at Five Element Wellness Center in Weston and Coral Springs, FL, can explain what integrative medicine is and how it can benefit you.

The Importance of Integrative Medicine

There are many different holistic treatments that have been used for years to treat different issues and help align the body. Integrative medicine uses these different techniques to understand your body as a whole and determine what the underlying cause of specific pain and issues might be. Integrative medicine focuses on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs and understands that each of these can impact your health.

Integrative medicine uses a variety of techniques to balance each part of your body and help relieve your issues. You may also need to make lifestyle changes in order to see the best results and continue to live a healthy life. Integrative medicine combines conventional healthcare methods with complementary therapies, such as yoga and acupuncture.

If you’re dealing with chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, or constant migraines and headaches, integrative medicine can give you new techniques to manage your daily life. This can help you start functioning better each day and gives you the space to improve your life without just constantly treating symptoms that seem to never fully go away.

Contact Our Doctor Today

Find out how you can balance and improve your life! Contact Dr. Monique Rodriguez, Dr. Christopher Petrie, and Dr. Julia Benitez-Estevenz at Five Element Wellness Center in Weston and Coral Springs, FL, to learn more about integrative medicine and how it could help you. You can reach them in Weston, FL, by calling (954) 228-6904 or in Coral Springs, FL, by calling (954) 507-7817, so call today.

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Hours of Operation

Weston Location

Monday/Wednesday: 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuesday: CLOSED
Thursday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday/Saturday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Hours of Operation

Coral Springs Location

Every other Monday: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Tuesday/Thursday: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm
Wednesday/Friday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm